Another little magical book from D. J. Conway-only this one really swings. D.J. Conway has studied every aspect of New Age religion, from Eastern philosophy to Wicca. She spends most of her time researching and writing and is the author of several books. All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused. Language : English Paperback…
Adventures of the Soul is a manual for anyone who has ever questioned where they come from, why they are here, and where they go after they die. Sharing his intuitive experiences of communicating with the Spirit World for the past 30 years, internationally renowned medium James Van Praagh takes you on a spiritual sojourn…
All items are cleansed, charged, and Reiki infused. In this healing tour de force, best-selling authors Louise L. Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz have teamed up for an exciting reexamination of the quintessential teachings from Heal Your Body. All Is Well brings together Louise’s proven affirmation system with Mona Lisa’s knowledge of both medical science and the…
Learn how to ask for heavenly help and understand the signs and messages sent to you by the Angels, with the UK s most popular Angel expert! If you ever feel that your prayers are going unanswered, Kyle Gray is here to change this for good. In this expanded edition of Angel Prayers, Kyle reveals…
Since the age of four, Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels who stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK s youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen. In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of…
After the publication of his best-selling book Power Animals, many people inquired about the meaning of spirit animals that were not contained in that work. In Animal Spirit Guides, Dr. Farmer provides concise, relevant details about the significance of more than 200 animals that may come to you in physical or symbolic form as guides and…
Angels have been with us in every time and culture, and in many religious traditions. Ask Your Angels vividly chronicles how they are currently reaching out to every one of us in a totally new way, bridging our physical reality with their pure spiritual energy. From historical writings and widespread contemporary experience that includes their own…
We’re all spiritual beings with a spiritual support system on the Other Side that oversees and helps guide our lives from the moment we’re born to the moment we leave our physical bodies and return to Spirit. Not knowing this fact is a severe handicap, as the Universe is designed to care for and nurture…
There could be many reasons why you’re drawn to this book — or perhaps synchronicity had a part to play in that this book somehow found you! Are you looking for answers as to what happens to your loved ones after they’ve passed? Perhaps you’re wondering what you should do after having had your own…
Connecting with the Angels Made Easy: How to See, Hear and Feel Your Angels: Learn how to communicate with the angels and interpret their signs for healing, support and guidance! Kyle Gray is one of the UK s most sought-after angel experts. He discovered his spiritual gift at the tender age of four and now…
A full-color guide to 52 crystals and practices to elevate your everyday life! Are you looking to create your own luck? Or is today the day for breaking through blocks? Do you need to let go of what no longer serves you? Or do you simply want to sleep well, even if just for a…
The perfect introduction to the power of meditating with crystals. Judy Hall, world-renowned crystal expert, explains how to use crystals in everyday mindfulness practice to help focus awareness and be in the moment. Are you looking for a better way to practice mindfulness? Crystals can help in so many ways. They have been around for…
All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused. This book has all the crystals and tools you need to clear, heal and protect your energy field and environment, whether you feel your relationships drain your energy, you struggle to set boundaries, or your body is under attack from pollutants or technology overload. You ll discover:…
The Ancient Hermetic Secrets to Alchemy and Divine Magic Revealed! You have natural magical abilities that can elevate your life to a whole new level, as well as heal and help your loved ones and clients. The original teacher of this Divine magic was an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus. His teachings, called Hermetics, were…
A new and fresh guide to the Ascended Masters and how to work with them for greater peace and connection.Discover new tools and wisdom to connect with the enlightened Ascended Masters, and receive their guidance, healing, protection and support on your spiritual path.Bestselling author Kyle Gray offers the first new guide in several years that…
In Earth Magic, Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses, augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth. Although the foundation for Earth Magic is…